
(Senior) Analyst

Join Aurora Energy Research in Oxford, United Kingdom as a (Senior) Analyst supporting client engagement, power market forecasts, and energy transition insights.

Aurora Energy Research
Aurora Energy Research
Oxford, United Kingdom  UTC+00:00   På stedet   Fuldtid   251-500   3 dage siden

As a (Senior) Analyst on this team, you will support all aspects of client engagement: helping identify issues, forming hypotheses, conducting analysis, synthesising conclusions into recommendations, and presenting to senior clients. You will develop data-based strategic insights into the energy transition for both public and private sector clients.

Key Responsibilities

  • Carry out quantitative analysis to deliver our power market forecasts and related analysis;
  • Monitor market activity, keeping abreast of the latest market developments;
  • Deliver both online and in-person presentations and workshops to a broad range of clients;
  • Contribute to the expansion of Aurora’s research topics and analytical tools.

What we are looking for

Required attributes

  • 1 - 3 years work experience in the energy sector or another professional field;
  • A first class or upper second-class bachelor’s degree;
  • An ability to analyse complex quantitative data and information;
  • Strong verbal and written communication and presentation skills;
  • A genuine interest in energy economics and the energy transition;
  • Strong teamworking and problem-solving skills.

Desirable attributes

  • Fluency in a second language is beneficial but not essential;
  • Skills in data analytics and related software (e.g. Python, Excel, SQL, Power BI);
  • Existing knowledge or experience in the power sector or a related field.

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Om rollen

Jun 25, 2024



Dec 25, 2024

På stedet

Oxford, United Kingdom

1-3 years


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