Renewable Energy Jobs at Volue
Senior Solution Sales Expert (m/w/d)
Trondheim, Norway  + 4 locations Flexible Full Time 18 days ago -
Sales Account Executive (m/w/d)
Trondheim, Norway  + 3 locations Flexible Full Time 29 days ago
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What Is the Renewable Energy Forecast for 2030?
Fastest Growing Renewable Energy Sector: Data and Trends
In 2023, solar photovoltaics surged by 32.59%, officially making it the fastest-growing renewable energy source worldwide. Yet offshore wind, which soared by 57.87% in 2021, remains a formidable competitor in total electricity output due to its high capacity factor. This concise overview highlights how policy incentives, cost reductions, and manufacturing advances are propelling solar to the forefront of the global energy transition. -
Career Opportunities in Solar Energy
The solar energy sector is experiencing unprecedented growth, with over 7.1 million jobs in solar PV alone as of 2023. For professionals considering a career shift into renewable energy, solar offers pathways across R&D, manufacturing, project development, and operations.